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We're writing content for people who want to plan, design, create, publish and promote online courses.

How Many Ways Can You Tie Shoe Laces?

Activity Aim The aim of this activity is to get participants to think about how routine many of their choices are when it comes to offering customers solutions to...

Face to Face Training - Is It Dead?

For over 25 years I have designed, developed and delivered courses, workshops and short learning sessions to help people build their skills, increase their knowledge and...

Creating My First Online Course - Where Do I Begin?

If you are new to the online learning arena and are considering developing a course for your organisation or to generate additional income for yourself by selling your...

Our Experience of Going From Face to Face Training to Online Delive...

In 2001 we embarked upon our first journey into online learning with a membership site targeting the automotive sector, car dealers in particular. This was...

How to Pivot Your Business Offer to the Online World

OK we're in this together. We're all having to reinvent everything we do.  "We're going to have to cancel this" is being said by millions of trainers, coaches, and...

When is the Perfect Time to Shift to Online Training for Franchises?

CoVid19 is causing exceptional chaos and misery across nations and within communities and families.   I write this in the midst of the Italian lockdown, experiencing...

Using Quizzes and Other Interactive Assets in Your Online Courses

One of the key roles we play in teaching students in any subject is to ensure we engage them throughout our courses AND that we have ways to assess what they have learned....

Too Busy To Create Your Own Online Courses? This Could Be the Perfe...

So you've heard about creating online courses as a means to generate income or build your brand. But what are your options for making it all happen? If you've been...

Research Reveals “The Real 4 Secrets To Online Success”

Warning! Warning! This is a recommendation from a raving fan so I'm biased.  I’m here to share with you an amazing opportunity that is too good NOT to share. If...

How to Make Franchise Training Engaging and Effective

In this post, we discuss some of the challenges franchise holders when it comes to training franchisees. We'll give you some tips on where to start and where to get further...

Why Your Business Needs a "Signature Dish" Like This

I know of a great place to eat that does the most amazing steak and ale pies, The Weighbridge Inn situated in the beautiful Cotswolds between Nailsworth and Avening....

The Broken Email Activity

Communication is the key to all successful relationships whether in the family, community, at work or with customers. Telling employees they need to communicate should be a...

How to Turn a Disaster into a Great Customer Experience

Car dealers have received some pretty poor press over the years and perhaps rightly so. But there are examples of businesses that now demonstrate great examples of how to...

Discovering Your Brand's Emotional Footprint

If your business was a shoe how would it feel to walk in? Would it be tight and pinch you? Does it have awkward characteristics that rub and irritate customers? Are some...

15 Ways to Make Your Courses and Workshops More Engaging

After over 25 years working in training and development, I've experienced hundreds of different techniques applied in teaching, training, and facilitation. I've...

If It's Good Enough for Brain Surgery, It's Good Enough for Your Pr...

It is not the strongest that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.Charles Darwin   A Clash of Beliefs This post is...

Training Your Franchisees to Bring Home the Results You Both Need

If your business model is based upon franchising your business then you'll know just how important franchisee results are. Without their success, you fail! Any competent...

Smart Phones are Now Harming Your Business and Here's Why

Is it me or have service standards been dumbed down by the smartness of phones? Everywhere I turn it seems, there are people on their phones catching a quick look at their...

How Businesses Can Educate Their Customers to Improve Customer Sati...

For many years since first being published in a Harvard Business Review, it's a generally accepted rule that loyal customers buy more, purchase more often, cost you less to...

Apple's Secret Genius Training Manual, Is It a Reference for All Co...

There are so many ways in which Apple has brought change into our world. They've dented the universe for sure. If only our personal universe. From their devices to their...

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