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We're writing content for people who want to plan, design, create, publish and promote online courses.

The Most Powerful Activity you Can Use to Demonstrate Shared Vision

A few years ago, I met with the MD of John Lewis's flagship store on Oxford Street, London. Sales were slipping and the store was lacking in other key areas including the...

Smart Phones are Now Harming Your Business and Here's Why

Is it me or have service standards been dumbed down by the smartness of phones? Everywhere I turn it seems, there are people on their phones catching a quick look at their...

Passionate Pillow Talk of the Customer Experience Kind

In this post, you will learn from an experience I had when travelling aboard a cruise ship and what to ask if you want similar extraordinary things to happen with your own...

Donā€™t Be Boring, Dull And Lifeless! Put On Those Pink Gloves And St...

With the explosion of business reality shows like Dragons Den, The Apprentice, Natural Born Sellers, The Restaurant, the list goes on, we are increasingly using...

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