This questionnaire will take you about 5 minutes to complete.
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Question 1 of 9
Which of the following reasons for converting your book into a course, resonates with you? You can choose more than one.
Earn additional income
Engage with my audience in a deeper way
Reach a new audience
Enhance my authority
Create a community to bring people together around my topic
All of the above
Question 2 of 9
If your book is already published, please provide a link to it on Amazon.
If not, please provide the title of the book and details about the book's topic, the number of pages and an estimate of the word count.
Question 3 of 9
Do you have a course hosting platform already set up and ready for your course content?
Question 4 of 9
Which of the following tasks do you need help with?
Defining what content to use and the structure for the course
Deciding what the best format is for the lessons, e.g. video, audio, text, quiz, assessment, etc
Creating the student resources such as worksheets, handbooks etc
Creating slide decks, video editing
Setting up the course on a course platform such as Kajabi, Teachable etc
Question 5 of 9
When would you like to have your course completed and ready for marketing?
Question 6 of 9
Will you need support marketing your course?
Question 7 of 9
Do you wish to have a community where students and book readers can engage with each other to deepen their understanding of your topic?
Question 8 of 9
What budget do you have available?
Less than £5,000
Between £5,000 - £10,000
£15,000 +
Question 9 of 9
Please provide any other background information you think will be helpful, including your website and/or LinkedIn profile address.